Welcome to the NH Kids Blog!
Below you can find updates on our ministry, recaps on previous events, devotionals, and things to celebrate!
April: Week 2
Hey Families and happy Easter! We had such a great day celebrating with your family! Today your children learned about the story of how Jesus died and came back to life (Matthew 28:1-8).
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April 09, 2023
April: Week 1
Hey Families, We hope you had a blast at church today. As we celebrated palm Sunday your children learned about when Jesus rode into Jerusalem and people honored him by laying down their coats and palm branches and shouted “Hosanna” (Matthew 21:1-16).
April 02, 2023
March: Week 4
Hey Families, and welcome back for another Sunday. Today our NH Kids classes followed along with our main service and learned all about showing others compassion.
March 26, 2023
March: Week 3
Hey there NewHope Families. Your child had a blast in NH Kids today! Today your preschooler learned about how Jesus helped 5000 hungry people by giving them food to eat (John 6:1-13)!
March 19, 2023
March: Week 2
Hello families! We had another fantastic day in NH Kids!! Today your elementary aged child continued their series all about forgiveness by learning the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10).
March 12, 2023
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