Welcome to the NH Kids Blog!
Below you can find updates on our ministry, recaps on previous events, devotionals, and things to celebrate!
May: Week 2
Happy Mother’s Day!! Thank you for celebrating with us at NewHope! Beyond making some fun crafts for the important women in their life, your children continued in a series learning about the helpers around them and how they can help others.
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May 14, 2023
May: Week 1
Hey Families, we had another great week in NH Kids! Today, your preschooler started a brand new series on how they can be helpers. They kick off this series by learning about the Good Samaritan, who was willing to help someone who was hurt (Luke 10:25-37).
May 07, 2023
April: Week 5
Hey there Families! Thank you for joining us in NH Kids today! As we continued in the stories of all that happened after Jesus came back to life, your preschooler learned all about the life of the early church. They learned how people gathered together because they loved Jesus and they showed love to each other. They did this through sharing with each other and praying for one another. (Acts 2:42-47)
April 30, 2023
April: Week 4
Hey there families and thanks for joining us in NH Kids! Today your preschooler learned all about the Great Commission, which is the special job that Jesus gives to each of us, to tell others about Him! (Matthew 28:19-20).
April 23, 2023
April: Week 3
Welcome back NewHope Families! We had another amazing day in NH Kids! Continuing in the story of the gospels, our preschool classes learned how Jesus had breakfast with his disciples after He came back to life. Jesus also showed Peter forgiveness (John 2:1-14).
April 16, 2023
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