Welcome to the NH Kids Blog!
Below you can find updates on our ministry, recaps on previous events, devotionals, and things to celebrate!
March: Week 1
Hey Families, we are excited to start a brand new month which means, brand new things to learn in God’s Word!
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March 05, 2023
February: Week 4
Hey Families, we had a fantastic day in NH Kids! Today both your preschooler and elementary schooler learned the story of the Roman Commander who had faith in Jesus (Matthew 8:5-13).
February 26, 2023
February: Week 3
Hey NewHope Families, thank you for joining us in NH Kids today! We had a blast as we dove into God’s word! Your preschooler learned all about the thankful woman who came and poured oil on Jesus’ feet (Luke 7:36-50).
February 19, 2023
February: Week 2
Hey Families, thanks for joining us in NH Kids today! Today both your preschooler and elementary schooler learned the story of when Jesus visited Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42).
February 12, 2023
February: Week 1
Hi Families! We had another wonderful day in NH Kids. Today your preschooler learned all about how Jesus welcomed the children in Luke 18. You may have noticed that your child brought home a foam heart with their name on it. This was given to them as a reminder that Jesus loves all the children of the world and that means them too!
February 05, 2023
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