Day 20


Colossians 3:17

“And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.”

Darlene Deibler Rose lived out this verse her entire life. In 1938, she and her husband, Russell, were missionaries in the Baliem Valley in New Guinea which was taken over by Japanese forces. As a result of the invasion, Darlene and Russell were sent to different internment camps. Before separating, Russell’s last words to her were, “Remember one thing, dear, God said He would never leave us nor forsake us.” For four years Darlene suffered forced labor, beatings, illnesses, near starvation, and horrible living conditions. She worked in soggy fields, got leg ulcers, and at any moment, could have been executed; however, she became a leader and spokesperson for the women and children of the camp. Despite everything she faced, Darlene held a daily Bible study, prayed with many others in the camp, and constantly encouraged the other women and children.

When Darlene learned of Russell’s death, the Camp Commander, Mr. Yamaji, called her into his office. She said, “I don’t sorrow like people who have no hope” and proceeded to share the message of Jesus with him. As the months turned into years, Darlene found comfort in singing, “He giveth more grace as the burdens grow greater.” While in solitary confinement, she would quote Charles Spurgeon, “I can thank my God for every storm that has wrecked me on the Rock, Jesus Christ.” In 1945 the internment camp was liberated, and Darlene was finally free. She went home to the USA and began the process of healing physically, mentally, and emotionally. Darlene would remarry and would return to New Guinea with her husband Jerry, as missionaries, for thirty more years.

Excerpts taken from Darlene’s book “Evidence Not Seen: A Woman’s Miraculous Faith in the Jungles of World War II.”

Darlene’s life, a powerful story of faith and trust, is a great encouragement, and a significant challenge to each of us to give thanks in ALL circumstances and live a life that reflects Jesus! Everywhere you go, you reflect Jesus. You bring light into darkness, hope into despair, and peace into fear. Be intentional with your words and actions so that they line up with your beliefs as a follower of Jesus.

As we are in the final days of the fast, your focus and priorities have likely shifted to better reflect Jesus.

  • There may have been areas of your life where you compromised, and over these past few weeks, the compromises have ended.
  • You may have renewed your relationship with Jesus and made talking with Him a priority.
  • You’ve had times of silence and solitude where you encountered God’s presence in a new way.
  • You’ve begun reading your Bible consistently, and putting it into practice.
  • Your attitude and perspective are now aligning with God’s.
  • You have more peace and are more aware of God’s daily new mercies.

Our prayer is that you are being RENEWED. As a church, one of our greatest hopes is that you will allow the good work that God has begun in you to continue as you trust, believe, and receive!

Today, give thanks to Jesus for being your Lord and Savior. He knows you the best, loves you the most, and is always with you.

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