Right Now Special Christmas Offering

The “Right Now” Special Christmas Offering is a call to sacrificial giving with a goal of $500,000 for five important ministry initiatives. We believe God wants us “Right Now:”

  • To help build the new kitchen and classrooms at Jehovah Nissi, our sister church, in Las Lomas, Dominican Republic.
  • To renovate the indoor playground space into a new Next Generation Ministry Environment.
  • To continue with upgrades in our technology so that we can steward well the worship songs God has entrusted us with.
  • To continue supporting our local ministry partners in the Triangle.
  • To Reach, Teach, and Release in greater ways in our community in 2024 with the good news of Jesus.

The 5 Ministry Initiatives of the “Right Now” Special Christmas Offering:

Jehovah Nissi in Las Lomas, Dominican Republic

Pastor Ezequiel shared with us in October that Jehovah Nissi is growing exponentially and running out of space. So many of you have asked “How can we give to help them grow?” Participating in this year’s Christmas offering is how you can directly fund this expansion project and help our continued partnership with Pastor Ezequiel.

New Next Generation Ministry Environment

If you’re new to NewHope, you might not even be aware that we have an indoor playground! That’s because this space has remained closed since early 2020. Our goal is to better utilize this environment to the meet various needs of our growing Kids and Student ministries.

Stewarding Well the Worship Ministry of NewHope Church

We’ve said over and over that God has blessed us with great worship songs written by this House, for this House; yet we believe He has plans and purposes for these songs beyond this House. Our goal is to upgrade the technology we use to create great worship environments that can fuel this mission to reach the world.

Local Ministry Partners

There are great needs in our community and ministries that exist to meet those needs. We have always valued partnerships with local ministries like Fathers Forever, The Durham Rescue Mission and others who are better equipped to serve specific community and individual needs. This initiative seeks to continue funding these vital ministries throughout the Triangle while sharing the love of Jesus with those in need.

Reach, Teach and Release in Greater Ways

Reach, Teach and Release has been the mission of NewHope Church for over 20 years. In 2024, our desire is to see more people come to Jesus than ever before! We have so many great things planned for how we can accomplish this vision and your Christmas gift is vital to the mission and vision of our church.

Frequently Asked Questions

The regular offering at NewHope Church is the proportional amount (the full tithe of 10%) that we set apart on a systematic basis and give throughout the year. From time to time there are opportunities to give in a sacrificial way. This Special Christmas Offering is one of those sacrificial occasions that stretch us to grow in our faith. Giving to this Special Christmas Offering should be over and above what you regularly give.
Since the goal is $500,000, this Special Christmas Offering will involve everyone. Please prayerfully consider sacrificial giving that will stretch your faith. The precise amount you give is between you and God. Many in our church can give a $5,000, $10,000 or even a $25,000 gift. Others will be able to give between $100 and $500. The issue is not equal giving, but equal sacrifice. What amount can you give that will stretch your faith?
You can give to the "Right Now" Special Christmas Offering until January 31, 2024.
Simply go to newhopechurch.org/give. Once you are there, click on "Right Now Special Christmas Offering" and type in the amount that you wish give.
Yes. Just be sure to write "Right Now" in the “other” box on our offering envelopes. If you wish to mail your check in a separate envelope, please include “Right Now” in the memo line. Our mailing address is: 7619 Fayetteville Road, Durham NC 27713.
Of course! Since NewHope Church is a 501c3 organization, there can be tremendous tax benefits for you by giving in-kind gifts. For information on this type of giving, simply call our offices at (919) 206-4673 or email office@newhopechurch.org.
All gifts to NewHope Church, whether via the regular offering or the "Right Now" Special Christmas Offering, are completely tax-deductible. Your gift will be deductible in the tax year given (i.e., gifts given in 2023 will be deductible on your 2023 taxes). Please be sure to include your name, address or email address when you give so that a contribution statement can be sent to you for your tax preparations. You are not required to utilize a tax deduction for your gift, but it is available for all gifts.
The $500,000 goal was prayerfully set by the leadership of NewHope Church. We believe it is important to set a goal that requires faith while also being attainable. Given our current giving patterns, we believe this goal accomplishes both of these criteria.
Please pray for God's guidance as we all give sacrificially. You will be updated on our giving progress through email updates and during the weekend worship services. Reaching this goal will be a celebration of what we can do together as we stretch our faith under God's leadership.