February Week 2: Being a good friend!

Hey families and welcome back for another amazing Sunday. Here in NH Kids, we continued our series in learning all about the love and kindness of Jesus. Our elementary schoolers learned the story of Ruth and Naomi and all that Ruth gave to help and care for her mother-in-law Naomi (Ruth 1-2). The children learned about the importance of being kind to those closest around them. Sometimes it can be easy to take for granted the people that are closest to us. We encouraged the children to find ways to share kindness with those in their own family and friend group. We encourage your family to continue this challenge at home this week. This may look like taking a siblings chore for the day, helping mom with the dishes, or even writing a letter to grandma. Feel free to get creative as you support your child in sharing God’s love with those around them!

Today our preschoolers learned about how Jesus showed love to a woman that others did not love. This woman was caught doing something wrong, and when others wanted to see her punished, Jesus stepped in to show her love and grace (John 8:2-11). Your child learned how Jesus is a friend to everyone and we can show love and forgiveness by being friends with others. This week, while on the go, take turns naming ways you can be a good friend. Talk about how Jesus is a good friend because He is kind, just like He was kind to a woman in the Bible who didn’t have any friends.

CLICK HERE for more information on what your children are learning in NH Kids this month! 

Posted on February 11, 2024