Throughout these past 10 weeks, your Rooted facilitators and our NewHope staff have been praying that this Rooted journey would be a significant milestone in your spiritual life. In scripture, God encourages people to mark and remember these important moments of spiritual growth. As Rooted comes to a close, we want to invite you to celebrate the spiritual transformation you’ve experienced. In the " 10 weeks ago, I..." box, type in a description of where you were spiritually or mentally before Rooted. Then in the "Today, I..." box, highlight any transformation or change you’ve experienced because of this Rooted journey.
10 Weeks Ago I... is required.
Today, I... is required.
If "Yes", a copy will also be sent to a staff member so they can celebrate what God has done and continue to pray for you!
When you click Submit, this form will be emailed to you so you can save a clear reminder of the spiritual growth God’s been doing in your life.