Welcome to the NH Kids Blog!
Below you can find updates on our ministry, recaps on previous events, devotionals, and things to celebrate!
May: Week 4
We are thrilled that your child joined us in hopetown this week!
Click to Read More
May 23, 2021
May: Week 3
We trust your child had a blast learning about God's word this week!
May 16, 2021
May: Week 2
We're so glad you joined us in hopetown! Your preschooler looked at the story of Jonah - a man who was SWALLOWED by a WHALE! Can you even imagine?!
May 09, 2021
May: Week 1
Hey families! We officially started our run with your grade schooler as we learn all month long about what it means to commit when running a race with Jesus!
May 02, 2021
April Week 4
Hey families! Can you believe that the month of April is almost over? We have learned so much about keeping the peace and making sure that we want the best for others in our lives.
April 25, 2021
Check out these cool links!