Welcome to the NH Kids Blog!
Below you can find updates on our ministry, recaps on previous events, devotionals, and things to celebrate!
June: Week 3
Hi NH Kids families! We had a wonderful time exploring God's Word today in NH Kids! We talked about peace and what that means for us. If you take a look at 1 Samuel 25:1-35, you'll see where our Preschool and Elementary life groups studied today! We read about a lady in God's word named Abigail who intervened in a situation and helped to provide peace. Sometimes God gives us a chance to help show Jesus' peace in a situation that we find ourselves in
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June 19, 2022
June: Week 2
Happy Sunday families! As we continue to splash through summer, we dove in and looked at how spreading joy is SUPER contagious and always needed. Our Elementary and Preschool life groups looked at the story of Paul and Silas in Prison. You can find it in Acts chapter 16 verses 16-34. Paul and Silas were in a precarious situation in the prison cell.
June 12, 2022
June: Week 1
Hey NH Kids families! We are beginning the summer with a great splash as we "Make Waves" and see what happens when we spread kindness. Have you thought about what it feels like when you do a random act of kindness or decide to give a compliment? It makes you feel great, right? All of June we are looking at how Jesus can use our kindness to spread God's love to EVERYONE around us!
June 05, 2022
May: Week 5
And just like that we are ending another month and another great journey in God's word. Our life groups had so much fun in their life groups, worshipping together and going through all the activities to make God's word so tangible and applicable in their life. This week we end the series knowing that rest and trust in Jesus is good for our souls!
May 29, 2022
May: Week 4
Happy Sunday NH Kids Families! We were so busy being in community today that time just flew! Our elementary life groups and preschool life groups learned all about some ways that we can trust God's plan and that His plan for us is GOOD. Speaking of good - take some time this week as a family and write down ways Jesus as been good to your family. Creating a list of thankfulness makes a good day even better - or turns a bad day right around!
May 22, 2022
Check out these cool links!