July W3: Celebrate the Little Things

Hey NewHope Families! Thanks for joining us on another amazing Sunday! Today in NH Kids, your child continued in their series learning all about JOY. They took a look at how the early church shared joy with one another (Acts 2:32-37). They also took a deep dive into Romans 12:15 which says, "Rejoice with those who rejoice". Sometimes it can be hard to rejoice with others when we are walking through something hard or when we have feelings of jealousy toward someone else. But when we celebrate and rejoice with someone else, this can be a selfless way that we show someone Jesus! What does it look like for your family to celebrate with someone this week. This may look like celebrating something small like winning a board game or something big like a birthday! We encourage you this week to make a big deal out of celebrating and help spread joy to others. 

Click HERE for even more ways to connect today’s stories with your family and grow in your journey with Jesus!

Posted on July 21, 2024