July W2: Let's Learn a Verse!

Hey NewHope Families! Thank you for joining us for another amazing Sunday! This summer, our kids are learning all about joy and today, they learned how Jesus brought joy to a party! In John 2:1-11 we read a story about a wedding Jesus attended with his friends. At this wedding, the Bride and Groom ran out of their special party drink. Jesus did his first miracle by turning regular old water into this special party drink! Jesus spread joy to his friends and we can to. We encourage you to sit down with your child and help them think through the unique ways they can spread joy to others. This may be that they smile at everyone they meet, or say kind things when someone feels sad, or even tell others about they joy they receive from their relationship with Jesus! 

Throughout this month your children have also been studying a memory verse. We encourage you to practice this at home with your family. This may look like encouraging your child to say their memory verse to different family members or friends, or shouting it in the car every time you pass a sign for Chick-fil-a;) Check out the verse below based on your child’s age group.

Elementary: “Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord. I will say it again. Be joyful!” Philippians 4:4, NIrV

Preschool: “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” Luke 2:10, ESV

CLICK HERE for more information on what your children are learning in NH Kids this month! 

Posted on July 14, 2024