June Week 5: Salvation Sunday

Hey NewHope families,

We are excited to have you back for another amazing Sunday! Today, your child continued in their series on joy by learning the parable of the lost sheep.

Your Child learned a story that Jesus told about a shepherd who had 100 sheep and one went missing. The Shepherd loved his sheep so much that he went looking for it, and when he found it, he cared it back and threw a party to celebrate (Luke 15:1-7)! The children learned how this is what Jesus does for all of us. We are all like lost sheep, but Jesus made a way to rescue us!

Our elementary classrooms took this a step farther by learning the joy we can have when we begin a relationship with Jesus. They were told about how Jesus took all of our sin on the cross and gave all of us an invitation to step into a personal relationship with Him. By believing in Jesus, we can have a new life where our sins are forgiven and we are friends with God. We encourage you to set aside some time this week to ask your child what they believe about Jesus. You can do this by asking your child to retell the story of Jesus, or even allowing space for your child to ask questions. For help navigating this conversation, check out these helpful resources (CLICK HERE).

Click HERE for even more ways to connect today’s stories with your family and grow in your journey with Jesus! 

Posted on June 30, 2024