June Week 4: Joy All Around!

Happy Sunday NewHope Families! It was great to see you in church today! As we continued in our series on Joy, your child learned about the proclamations of joy found throughout the book of Psalms. They looked specifically at Psalms 8,16, and 19. The Psalmists find joy in the things God made all around them. This week, we encourage your family to get outside, take a nature walk or do some star gazing, and thank God for the amazing things He made that bring us joy! 

Throughout this month your children have also been studying a memory verse. We encourage you to practice this at home with your family. This may look like taking turns repeating it around the dinner table or even saying it each night before bedtime. Check out the verse below based on your child’s age group.

Elementary: “A cheerful heart makes you healthy. But a broken spirit dries you up." Proverbs 17:22, NIrV

Preschool: “A joyful heart is good medicine.” Proverbs 17:22, ESV

CLICK HERE for more information on what your children are learning in NH Kids this month! 

Posted on June 23, 2024