May: Week 4

Hello families and thank you for joining us again in NH Kids! Today your preschooler wrapped up their series on helpers in the Bible and learned all about Rebekah and how she helped a man who was thirsty and even gave water to all his camels (Genesis 24:15-20). Your child learned how they can notice people who are in need and step in to help. This week, help your child notice needs all around them. This could look like pointing out when their sibling needs help cleaning up toys, or when their grownup needs help carrying in groceries, or even when they see someone asking for money on the side of the street. Encourage your child to provide help in that moment by picking up extra toys, carrying a jug of milk, or rolling down the window in the car to ask someone their name and how they are doing. Teach your child to notice needs around them and be motivated to help! 

Today your elementary schoolers learned about how Philip ran up to an Ethiopian man to tell him all about Jesus. This man had questions, but Phillip was willing to sit with him and share what he knew about Jesus (Acts 8:26-40). Today your child learned how God is with them, even when they have questions. They were given an opportunity in class to share some of the questions they have about God and about life. At the dinner table this week, go around and ask each member of the family to share one question they have for God. This conversation can feel intimidating, but just remember, it’s ok if you don’t have all the answers. Some questions are worth studying together as a family, and some answers won’t come on this side of heaven. Simply create a safe space for your child to share their questions. Take time to pray as a family and ask God to show us how to find the answers to these questions and to be confident to trust God even when certain things in life don’t always make sense. 

Click HERE for more ways to connect today’s stories with your family and grow in your journey with Jesus!

Posted on May 18, 2023