October: Week 1

Hey NH Kids Families! It was such a joy to see your family in NH Kids today! For all of our elementary families, your child is learning to refuse to give up when life gets hard. There is no one better to learn this from in the Bible than Joseph. Joseph went through so many hard things in life, but God was with him through it all. He saw that God was writing a bigger story through the bad things he experienced. You can Read about Joseph’s Adventures in Genesis 37-40. This week, how can you remind your child that God is with them? It may look like a prayer before bed, or a note you put in your child’s lunch box, or even a gentle reminder the next time they feel scared. Look for opportunities this week to express to your child how God cares for them and will never leave them!

Similarly, our preschool classes are learning how God has a big plan for their life! God had a big plan for Noah too, that involved a really BIG boat! Your child learned how Noah trusted God and built a boat that two of every animal could fit on. Maybe this week, during your child’s bath time, you can find a toy boat and toy animals and reenact the story from Genesis 6 & 7. We can’t wait to continue learning about these Bible characters next week.

Click here for more family resources about mental health!

Posted on October 02, 2022